App Profit Analysis

In this project we analyze apps available for download. We display information about number of downloads and number of clicks etc...

Apple Column Descriptions:

  1. "id" : App ID

  2. "track_name": App Name

  3. "size_bytes": Size (in Bytes)

  4. "currency": Currency Type

  5. "price": Price amount

  6. "ratingcounttot": User Rating counts (for all version)

  7. "ratingcountver": User Rating counts (for current version)

  8. "user_rating" : Average User Rating value (for all version)

  9. "userratingver": Average User Rating value (for current version)

  10. "ver" : Latest version code

  11. "cont_rating": Content Rating

  12. "prime_genre": Primary Genre

  13. "sup_devices.num": Number of supporting devices

  14. "ipadSc_urls.num": Number of screenshots showed for display

  15. "lang.num": Number of supported languages

  16. "vpp_lic": Vpp Device Based Licensing Enabled

Google Play Columns:

  1. 'App'
  2. 'Category'
  3. 'Rating'
  4. 'Reviews' (number)
  5. 'Size'
  6. 'Installs'
  7. 'Type'
  8. 'Price'
  9. 'Content Rating': Rating for parents to determine age appropriateness
  10. 'Genres'
  11. 'Last Updated'
  12. 'Current Ver'
  13. 'Android Ver'

The Google Play dataset has duplicate entries for some apps.

The Google Play set has duplicate entries for some apps. For each duplicate, we are going to keep the data that includes the most reviews.

Now we will remove all apps that are not marketed to an English speaking audience. We do this by removing ones with titles that contain more than 3 non-English characters.

Let's assume our goal is to develop an app whose profit is dependent on how many users it has. To minimize risk and overhead cost, we use the following strategy: Build and add an app to Google Play. If the app has good response, develop further. After 6 months, if the app makes a profit, make an iOS version.

So let's analyze what genres are most common in the Apple and Google Play stores.

The code below displays a tally of apps in the Apple store by Genre, and also a tally of apps in the Google Play store by Genre and Category.

As you can see from above, the most common apps in the Apple store are Gaming apps followed by entertainment apps. Also looking at the list for both stores, we see that apps generally for entertainment purposes are more common than apps created for practical purposes like shopping or utilities.

I cannot make a comfortable recommendation of what kind of app should be built for the Apple store based on this information. More detailed information about number of downloads or number of users is needed. The mere existence of many gaming apps does not necessarily mean that a gaming app will attract the most users. For example Facebook is probably an app with the highest number of users, but it would fall under the social networking genre which is not even in the top five.

Next we will determine the average number of users for each genre. The apple store doesn't have information about how many users there are for an app, but it does give number of ratings submitted for each app. We will use this as an estimate.

Based on the average number of users, I would recommend making a social networking app or a photo & video app. These seem to attract the largest number of users.

It seems like social networking apps are popular in both Google play and Android stores. Thus I would recommend making a social networking app.